I. General Provisions 1.1 Feile attaches great importance to the personal privacy of users, and promises to protect the security of users’ personal information during the use of Feile. 1.2 This Privacy Policy applies to all activities of users using the Service, including but not limited to accessing, browsing, and using the app.

Collection and use of personal information 2.1 Feile only uses the geographical location of the user’s mobile phone, and does not collect data.

  1. Protection of personal information 3.1 Feile adopts various security measures to protect users’ personal information, including but not limited to the use of encryption technology, access control, etc. 3.2 Feile undertakes to take all reasonable measures to protect the security of users’ personal information, but cannot guarantee absolute security, users should assume the risk.

  2. User Rights 4.1 Users have the right to access, correct and delete their personal information, and can also withdraw their authorization to locate and clear local records at any time.

V. Disclaimer 5.1 Feile does not assume any responsibility for personal information disclosure, loss, theft and other problems caused by the user’s own reasons. 5.2 Feille does not assume any responsibility for the leakage, loss, theft and other problems of personal information caused by force majeure or third-party reasons.

Vi. Changes in Terms 6.1 Feile may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time, and the revised terms will be posted on the Feile App. 6.2 Users should consult this Privacy Policy in time to understand the latest privacy policy.

Applicable law and dispute resolution 7.1 This Privacy policy is governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China. 7.2 Any dispute arising from this Privacy Policy shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, both parties shall have the right to bring a lawsuit to the people’s court with jurisdiction.

  1. Contact us If you have any questions or suggestions about our privacy policy, please contact us through the following ways: Contact email: kuloud@outlook.com We will respond to your questions or comments as soon as possible.